
Luis Matheus

Luis brings years of experience in software development to Medbelle and leads his team in building the framework of the Medbelle computing system.

Medbelle positionCTO
Luis Matheus


Luis has been part of the Medbelle team since 2017 when he joined as a senior engineer working remotely. After physically joining the company from South America and demonstrating his dynamic technical skills as well as his insightful strategic ability and strong people skills, Luis was made head of Engineering. Medbelle’s ambitious plans to build a powerful software system to digitally overhaul the healthcare system appealed to Luis’ drive to utilise his technical and project management skills to make a positive impact in the world. He leads his team by example, with an unfaltering work ethic and an emphasis on communication and integration of the tech team with the wider Medeblle team.

Job responsibilities

  • Define our technology strategy and roadmap that enables Medbelle’s mission to simplify healthcare and make it accessible to all.
  • Promote collaboration with the Product management team to ensure a well-researched and iterative process where we deliver continuous value to our patients, clinicians and staff members.
  • Provide guidance and mentorship to the engineering team to promote professional growth and overall work satisfaction.
Work Experience

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