Eyelid Surgery in London

Eyelid Surgery in London


Overnight stay

0-1 Night


Local with Sedation or General

Recovery time

6 Weeks

Happy white haired woman on blue background

Excess fat tissue and skin around the lower eyelids can create a puffy, tired look that some people find unattractive. If you’re bothered by your under-eye bags, then a blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift, maybe what you need for a more refreshed look. This procedure is quite common and straightforward to perform. Nevertheless, for the best results, choose a surgeon who is experienced and properly trained to carry it out to the highest standard. Medbelle surgeons are some of the best in the country and are experienced at providing patients with the smooth, more “awake” eye look they desire.

Choose Medbelle for your Eyelid Surgery in London

Surgeons smiling

Medbelle surgeons

Without a doubt, Medbelle surgeons are simply your best choice for your blepharoplasty or eyelid reduction in London. Your safety, comfort, and satisfaction are paramount when it comes to cosmetic procedures, which is why Medbelle surgeons take such great pains to offer you service of the highest standard. You can be assured that you’re receiving sound, state-of-the-art medical treatment and expertise from some of the most highly respected consultants in the country.

Our Eyelid Surgery (Upper) surgeons in London

London at Night

Medbelle Locations for London Blepharoplasty

London is an excellent city to choose for your eyelid reduction surgery. No matter which one of our lovely locations you opt for, you can be guaranteed an unparalleled patient experience, from day one. Modern, award-winning facilities are dedicated to your comfort and convenience. Eyelid reduction surgery in London is a fairly common procedure, and your Medbelle surgeon will be specially trained and experienced in providing the very best techniques and after-care for your surgery. No matter what your goals are, your expert surgeon will be with you to advise the best way forward, so you can enjoy outstanding results.

Featured Medbelle Locations in London

One Hatfield Hospital is a renowned location with a reputation for providing world-class treatments, all the latest technology, and modern, ultra-comfortable facilities. One Hatfield staff are experts at nurturing trust and providing full patient satisfaction.

Highgate Hospital is one of the best London locations for your cosmetic procedure. Friendly, welcoming staff and skilled consultants work hard to create the very best environment for you to heal and recover well.

The London Welbeck Hospital is hands-down one of the finest clinics in London’s medical district and has long been home to some of the country’s most prominent and skilled surgeons. Together with attentive staff and stylish facilities, your stay there will exceed your expectations.

Your Blepharoplasty in London

Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery effectively removes excessive tissue from under the eyelids to give the face a more youthful, refreshed look. Droopy-looking eyes or heavy bags under the eyes can be gently treated to improve your overall appearance.

You’ll be put under general or local anaesthetic, and your surgeon will then make small, careful incisions on either the upper or lower eyelids, or both, depending on your needs and desired result. Upper blepharoplasty requires a cut in the natural crease of the eyelid, and so any scarring here is naturally hidden when the eye is open. Lower blepharoplasty entails an incision just below the lower lashes.

After making incisions, deposits of fat or extra skin can be removed to tighten and lift the area. Careful discussion with your Medbelle surgeon beforehand will ensure that you get the treatment that’s tailored to the finished look you’re attempting to achieve.

After closing the incisions, you’ll recover for a few hours or overnight in the ward, before returning home to follow your surgeon’s after-care instructions.

London Blepharoplasty: Frequently Asked Questions

It’s normal to have questions or concerns about eyelid surgery. To help you better understand what to expect, we’ve compiled a shortlist of commonly asked questions that many patients have about this procedure.

Will I be able to wear makeup after my eyelid surgery?
Can I get my eyelid surgery through the NHS?
Will I need to cover my eyes while I’m healing from eyelid surgery?
Will eyelid surgery reduce my dark under-eye circles and wrinkles?

Book your consultation with one of our specialists
