
Andrew Lee

Mr Andrew Lee is a highly experienced trauma and orthopaedic surgeon specializing in knee surgery, trauma, and sports injuries with a practice at Ramsay Duchy Hospital in Truro.


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Andrew Lee

Surgeon Bio

Mr Andrew Lee is a British orthopaedic surgeon specializing in trauma and orthopaedic surgery. With over 10 years of experience, Mr Lee is based at Ramsay Duchy Hospital in Truro. He has a particular interest in knee surgery, trauma, and sports injuries. As a skilled surgeon, Mr Lee is dedicated to providing high-quality care to his patients in these areas. Mr Andrew Lee has undergone extensive training in trauma and orthopaedic surgery, equipping him with the necessary expertise to excel in his field. He holds a specialty certification in trauma and orthopaedic surgery, which highlights his commitment to delivering excellent surgical outcomes. With his specialized knowledge and skills, Mr Lee is able to effectively diagnose and treat various orthopaedic conditions, particularly those relating to the knee, trauma, and sports injuries. In addition to his clinical work, Mr Andrew Lee is actively involved in research and education within his specialty. He has received various awards and accolades for his contributions to the field of orthopaedic surgery. Furthermore, his dedication to patient care and commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in his field make him a highly reputable and trusted surgeon in the Truro area. Outside of his professional work, Mr Andrew Lee has a strong interest in promoting wellness and a healthy lifestyle. He believes in the importance of holistic care and encourages his patients to maintain an active and balanced lifestyle to support their recovery and overall well-being.

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Andrew Lee