Derek Robinson
Location | Bath |
Specialties | Foot & Ankle, Sports |
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Derek Robinson
Location | Bath |
Specialties | Foot & Ankle, Sports |
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Mr Derek Robinson is a highly experienced Foot and Ankle Surgeon at Sulis Hospital Bath. He has extensive expertise in diagnosing and managing a wide range of foot and ankle conditions. Mr Robinson specializes in forefoot surgery, ankle arthritis, sports injuries, and complex trauma. He completed his surgical training at the Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham and underwent orthopedic training in Bristol. He also completed a Trauma and Sports Injury Fellowship in Vancouver. In 2005, he was awarded the European Travelling Fellowship in Foot and Ankle Surgery. Mr Robinson has trained under leading surgeons in his field in the UK, Europe, and North America. He has been a Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon at the Royal United Hospital, Bath since 2005 and currently serves as the Head of Surgery at the Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust. Mr Derek Robinson is a member of various professional societies, including the British Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society, the British Medical Association, the British Orthopedic Association, and the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He obtained his qualifications from the University of Manchester, including an MBChB (Hons) in 1993 and a BSc. Physiology (Hons) in 1990. He also holds the FRCS (Trauma & Orthopedics) qualification from Edinburgh in 2003. His sub-specialties include foot and ankle surgery, with a particular interest in ankle arthroscopy. Mr Robinson's research interests also revolve around ankle arthroscopy. In his spare time, Mr Derek Robinson enjoys activities such as walking his dogs, tending to his pet sheep and goats, and maintaining his small holding and woodland area. He also has a passion for the arts, including going to the theatre and cinema. He enjoys reading and dining out as well.
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