Graham Walsh
Location | Huddersfield |
Specialties | Knee |
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Graham Walsh
Location | Huddersfield |
Specialties | Knee |
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Mr Graham Walsh brings over 10 years of expertise in Knee Surgery to patients in Halifax and Huddersfield. After training at University College Medical School in London, he completed advanced surgical training in Leeds, honing his skills under renowned orthopaedic trainers. Specialising in Knee Surgery, Mr Walsh holds a Consultant position at Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust, focusing on Revision Knee Surgery. He offers a wide array of knee treatments, including replacements, arthroscopy, and sports injury solutions, with a particular interest in arthritis management for patients of all ages. With qualifications including an MBBS and FRCS Tr&OrthEd., Mr Walsh's sub-specialty lies in Knee surgeries, advocating for tailored arthritis treatments. He has pioneered the practice of Day Case knee replacement surgery, receiving awards for this innovative approach and speaking at conferences worldwide. Apart from his NHS roles, Mr Walsh is actively involved in teaching and research, focusing on revision knee surgery outcomes and the benefits of Partial knee replacements in younger individuals. In addition to his professional pursuits, Mr Graham Walsh engages in research on knee surgeries, emphasising the importance of patient-specific care and the latest advancements in knee replacement techniques. His commitment to education is evident through his teaching on knee injection therapies and his groundbreaking work on Day Case knee replacement, setting him apart as a leading Knee Surgeon in Yorkshire.
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