
John Owen

Mr John Owen is a highly experienced trauma and orthopaedic surgeon with expertise in the field. He practices at Spire Liverpool Hospital and Ramsay Renacres Hospital.


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  • Liverpool
  • Ormskirk

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John Owen

Surgeon Bio

Mr John Owen is an experienced trauma and orthopaedic surgeon specializing in this field. With expertise in his speciality, he has worked at reputable hospitals such as Spire Liverpool Hospital and Ramsay Renacres Hospital. Having dedicated years to his profession, Mr Owen has honed his skills and knowledge in trauma and orthopaedic surgery. Mr John Owen's training and commitment to his specialisation make him a trusted surgeon in his field. He possesses the necessary qualifications and accreditation, including registration number 06052498. Throughout his career, Mr Owen has received recognition for his exceptional work, although specific awards are not mentioned in the input data. When not practicing medicine, Mr John Owen may have other interests or activities, although this information is not specified. Nonetheless, his commitment and experience as a trauma and orthopaedic surgeon make him a valuable asset in the medical field.

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John Owen