
Omar Mohamed

Mr Omar Mohamed, a highly experienced trauma & orthopaedic surgeon with expertise in the field for over 15 years, practices at One Ashford Hospital and Spencer Private Hospitals (Margate).


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  • Ashford
  • Margate

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Omar Mohamed

Surgeon Bio

Mr Omar Mohamed is a highly experienced trauma & orthopaedic surgeon with expertise in the field for over a decade. He specialises in trauma & orthopaedic surgery, focusing on treating conditions related to the musculoskeletal system. Mr Mohamed holds the position of consultant in this field, demonstrating his skill and dedication to patient care. With over 10 years of experience, Mr Mohamed has honed his skills in trauma & orthopaedic surgery, offering expert treatment and care to his patients. His dedication to this specialty is further demonstrated by his unique expertise in this area, ensuring that patients receive specialised and personalized care. Mr Mohamed's commitment to excellence in trauma & orthopaedic surgery has earned him recognition and accolades in the medical field. Outside of his professional pursuits, Mr Mohamed may have various interests and hobbies, further showcasing his well-rounded nature. These additional interests could provide insight into his personality and help establish a connection with potential patients seeking his expertise in trauma & orthopaedic surgery.

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Omar Mohamed