
Ratukondla Ravikumar

Mr Ravikumar is a highly experienced trauma and orthopaedic surgeon with expertise in hand, knee, foot, and hip surgeries. He practices at Kings Oak Hospital and North Middlesex University Hospital in the UK.


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  • London

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Ratukondla Ravikumar

Surgeon Bio

Mr Ravikumar is an experienced trauma and orthopaedic surgeon specializing in hand, knee, foot, hip, and trauma surgeries. With years of expertise in this field, he holds a consultant position at Kings Oak Hospital and North Middlesex University Hospital, offering a wide range of surgical treatments to his patients. With a focus on trauma and orthopaedic surgery, Mr Ravikumar has dedicated his career to specialising in hand, knee, foot, hip, and trauma procedures. His dedication to these areas of interest has led to him receiving accolades for his expertise and commitment to providing high-quality care to his patients. Outside of his professional work, Mr Ravikumar may have other interests and passions that complement his role as a trauma and orthopaedic surgeon, showing a well-rounded approach to life that extends beyond the operating theatre.

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Ratukondla Ravikumar