
Tofunmi Oni

Mr Oni is an experienced Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon with expertise in the field for over 15 years. He currently practices at Chaucer Hospital and Spencer Private Hospitals, Margate.


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  • Canterbury
  • Margate

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Tofunmi Oni

Surgeon Bio

Mr Tofunmi Oni is an experienced trauma and orthopaedic surgeon with expertise in the field for several years. His specialisation lies in trauma and orthopaedic surgery, focusing on innovative techniques to treat various musculoskeletal problems. He holds positions across different hospitals in the UK. With years of experience in trauma and orthopaedic surgery, Mr Oni has honed his skills in treating a variety of complex musculoskeletal issues. He has a particular interest in exploring cutting-edge approaches to deliver the best possible care to his patients. Mr Oni has garnered accolades for his contributions to the field, demonstrating his commitment to excellence in orthopaedic surgery. Outside of his medical practice, Mr Oni may have other interests or pursuits that complement his professional expertise in trauma and orthopaedic surgery. Through his dedication to enhancing patient care and advancing orthopaedic techniques, Mr Oni continues to make a significant impact in the healthcare sector.

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Tofunmi Oni