
Marcus's Body Lift

Surgery results and benefits vary per individual. Specific results cannot be guaranteed.

Marcus's Body Lift
58 years old
Richard Baker
Body Lift

My first steps towards having surgery

I was on the NHS waiting list to have a tummy tuck following a successful gastric bypass operation where I have lost nearly 11 stone in weight over a number of years. Following this amount of loss I was left with a lot of excess skin and clothes did not fit comfortably. 

I was on the NHS list for a long period of time and one of the stipulations is to get your BMI down to below 30 and maintain that for 12 months before you would be put forward for the procedure. I know I can achieve the BMI rating, but because I am attending the gym to lose weight, this is causing a problem as I am gaining muscle therefore my weight loss is very slow. Although, don’t get me wrong, my body shape is improving. 

Because of this delay I decided to seek help and advice about having the operation done privately.  

Like a lot of people reading this I did look abroad because of the significant cost savings that there are to be had. This was very tempting and I made a few enquiries with various companies. They were very helpful in describing what went on and times etc., but having spoken to a number of people within the field, I was advised that you shouldn’t really be flying soon after the procedure. Yet, some of the companies told me that I could fly home as little as 7 days after the operation. Also I considered that if anything should go wrong then I am a long way from home and I could be the next person on the Botched program!!!!!!

All this in mind, I decided to contact companies in this country just to see what the cost differences were. I scouted the internet and after looking at a number of different companies I contacted Medbelle.

My first call with my patient care adviser

When Medbelle called I was a little nervous as my dreams were starting to become a reality. Medbelle’s representative (Genevieve)  immediately put me at my ease and answered everything that I bombarded her with and explained exactly how the system worked.

In a very short time my consultation was booked and all my questions/concerns were answered.  

Leading up to the appointment Genevieve kept in contact and made sure I had no concerns.

My Medbelle Consultation

I attended my consultation with a little apprehension but felt that I was fully prepared and briefed for it.  

On arrival, I received a warm greeting and was asked to fill out some personal details for the hospital. Within a few minutes I was called through by my surgeon (Richard Baker).

He immediately made me feel at ease and explained that I could ask any questions that I may have even if I felt that they may be silly.

The first thing that Mr Baker asked was the reason for me wanting the procedure done, this was to ensure that I wasn’t expecting it to be a weight loss exercise. Although it does take away some weight, you should already be in a position where you are happy where you are with your weight loss.

Although I am very close to where I want to be weight wise the procedure is not going to be undertaken for about 5 months due to work commitments and to lose a few more pounds in the gym.

In my preparation, I thought I had looked at all the available procedures that I may have been interested in, but Mr Baker was able to point out that I might be suited to a full body lift as I was carrying excess skin not only to my front but also to my sides and my back, as can be seen in the pictures. I was explained all the risks involved and what my expectations should be.

I was shown many before and after photos and began to feel more confident with the suggestions that were being made even though the procedure was a much bigger one than I had been looking at.

The consultation was unhurried and very informative and certainly made me feel a lot more relaxed about the coming months.

Because I have a few months before my operation, I have been booked in for a second pre-op consultation to make sure that nothing has changed for me and that I am fully ready.

I am booked for this on 11th Sep and my procedure will take place on 21st Sep.

To be continued ;-)

My Medbelle Consultation image 1
My Medbelle Consultation image 2
My Medbelle Consultation image 3
My Medbelle Consultation image 4
Surgery results and benefits vary per individual. Specific results cannot be guaranteed.

Book your consultation with Richard Baker

Richard Baker