
Natalie's Breast Enlargement

Surgery results and benefits vary per individual. Specific results cannot be guaranteed.

Natalie's Breast Enlargement
41 years old
Jag Jagadeesan
Breast Enlargement

Breast enlargement, 310cc/moderate profile/Sebbin implants/over muscle

10 months ago, I decided that I wanted Breast enlargement after losing 2 stone 7 lbs, apparently all from my boobs. I went to three other cosmetic groups before I found Medbelle, all only offering surgery in London, all suggesting an overnight hotel stay after surgery and all over £5k with a hard sell and pressure to book in for surgery.

I submitted an online enquiry to Medbelle. My PCA, Cameron, called me back later that afternoon, after a good 30 minutes chatting about my most personal details and my vanishing boobies. I decided to book a consultation with a surgeon for the following week.

I spent the next seven days researching the surgeon, and he looked great, reading reviews about Medbelle and again only finding good things. I also spent a fair few hours obsessively looking at pictures of boobs, before and after shots and the boobs of anyone that walked past me (My husband found this hilarious).

At my consultation, Mr Jagadeesan was brilliant, very professional and very friendly. He talked to me about Fat Transfer which I had never heard of, and about implants, the pros and cons of each, the surgical procedure and the aftercare. He asked if he could take a look, measure me and take some pictures. He asked me what I wanted size-wise and agreed that implants are the best option for me.

He told me about the company Sebbin, who supplied the implants and told me to try the rice test with various weights to work out what size I wanted. I was given a chart, too, with the width and projection sizes of the implants. The best bit was finding out that the operation will take place at the QE hospital, just 6 miles from my home, AND that includes an overnight hospital stay, so I will be looked after by nurses on my first night. HUGE RELIEF. My mind was made up that this is what I wanted, the price was the same as initially stated as I don't need an uplift, so I booked in for surgery there and then. 

My PCA called me later that day to see how I got on. I was emailed all the information from the consultation and a breakdown of the costs. Cameron sent me links for the finance company Chrysallis and submitted my details for me. He saved me a huge amount of stress as I had already spent hours comparing quotes and credit options with no joy.

The following four weeks I spent looking at more boobs (honestly, I'm obsessed), felt a few of my friends' boobs and dancing around with bags of rice in my bra,  I did try to watch a video of breast surgery, but I freaked out, some things are best left out. 

I paid my deposit and got the finance set up. I received an email with my hospital admission details. Suddenly, it all just got real! My PCA checked in on me to see how I was and got me booked in for another consultation with Mr Jag. 

This time was more in-depth, talking about the surgery and anaesthetic, which was worrying me. Mr Jag put my mind at rest. He said my health and safety is the top priority. Even up to the point I'm on the theatre table, I can change my mind or delay. I am in total control.

I asked him to measure me again as I had chosen 310cc round, medium projection textured implants. I needed to know if my body was right for these. He said he would go Sub Glandular, which is above the muscle but beneath the breast tissue. The implants will fit fine, taking me to about a C cup hopefully, but that is not guaranteed. They could be more like a D. He told me it takes months to see the final result as they drop and settle. I asked about sleeping positions and post-surgery bras (MYA group tried to sell me a £60 bra during the consultation). He said it's not necessary or proven to help recovery, but most patients choose to wear them for comfort and support. As for sleep, upright for the first couple of days but only as my arms will be sore to sit up. Again it's at the patient's discretion and shouldn't make a difference to how they settle.

COVID My op got cancelled, fast forward 7 months and I GOT BOOBIES!

My op was re-scheduled for 16th Oct at Burcot Hall Hospital, I had 3 weeks notice that seemed like forever. I got myself prepared, and off I went. I was petrified, but there was no need. The staff and nurses at Burcot were fantastic. The anaesthetist was amazing and calmed me down, and made me feel so much better too.

Mr Jag came in for a chat. Measured me again and drew on me ready for the op, explaining what he was doing and why. He checked my boobs because I had a bit of pain but assured me it was OK. Most likely premenstrual pains, which I always get. The surgery was great, just under an hour, and I woke up comfy and warm, WITH BOOBS 

So happy. 

The stay overnight was great, comfortable and I was cared for by a lovely nurse named Susan.  She kept my meds topped up and popped in often to check I  was ok with lots of tea. Mr Jag came in in the morning to see how  I was doing. Checked me over and had the drains removed. I was given a bag of pain meds and antibiotics for the week. I was discharged with the help of the nurses carrying my bags and waving me off. I'm now 9 days post-op. Healing well, and I absolutely love my boobs.

I couldn't be happier!

Breast enlargement, 310cc/moderate profile/Sebbin implants/over muscle image 1
Breast enlargement, 310cc/moderate profile/Sebbin implants/over muscle image 2
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Breast enlargement, 310cc/moderate profile/Sebbin implants/over muscle image 8
Surgery results and benefits vary per individual. Specific results cannot be guaranteed.

Book your consultation with Jag Jagadeesan

Jag Jagadeesan