
Sali's Breast Reduction

Surgery results and benefits vary per individual. Specific results cannot be guaranteed.

Sali's Breast Reduction
54 years old
Foiz Ahmed
Breast Reduction

Nerves And Knockers

I am 53, and because of an injury, I have put on 2 and a half stone in the past 2 years which has gone to my tummy and my breasts. I know even if I lose weight on my middle, I will have droopy breasts. I hate their size. It hurts my shoulders, and I feel top-heavy. I am so nervous. I am not sure why I had had a couple of other surgeries when I broke my ankle, but I think it is because I am choosing this. Also, as a busy parent with 2 businesses to run, I am worried about my recovery. The team have been great in reassuring me, and I ordered my post-op items such as a bra, scar reduction cream and plasters. 

The day of the procedure was very stressful, and I ended up waiting for 7 hrs. I think if it hadn't been for Medbelle's support and my excellent surgical staff, I might have cancelled. I managed to through with it, although it took A bit more than 5 hrs. My surgeon had to reattach my right nipple 3x because the colour was not quite right, and the incisions under my breasts went round a few inches to my back to make a neat scar.

When I woke up, I was so pleased to be able to see my tummy and a much smaller chest. I was very tired for the first week, and I had to go to the wound clinic a few times to check the nipple was ok which it is. It feels very tight afterwards, and as someone who sleeps on their front, I have been getting little sleep. I slept on the sofa for a few nights. I found I could do things like making tea, etc., and after 2 weeks started to feel much more like my old self although I needed a siesta some afternoons. I was a bit scared of seeing my wounds, but the ones under the breast you don’t see and the others were so neat and tidy already I don’t feel like they are there.

I am so glad I have done this, and my daughters say I look so much slimmer. I can now borrow their coats.

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6 months on

6 months on and i am so happy i had the procedure. After the first few weeks when it was sore it is fine i am able to life weights without any problem. The little lumps have almost all gone and they feel completely natural.

6 months on image 1
Surgery results and benefits vary per individual. Specific results cannot be guaranteed.

Book your consultation with Foiz Ahmed

Foiz Ahmed