Labiaplasty in Swansea

Labiaplasty in Swansea

Find out all you need to know about Labiaplasty in South Wales


Overnight stay

0 to 1 night


General or local with sedation

Recovery time

6 months

Prices in Swansea
The Consultation
Your Patient Journey

Labiaplasty Treatment Guide

Learn everything about labiaplasty surgery in our extensive treatment guide; including the benefits of surgery, surgical techniques, risks and complications, and information on aftercare and recovery. Trust Medbelle to provide medically backed information reviewed by world-class surgeons.


Labiaplasty locations in Swansea

Swansea at sunset

HMT Sancta Maria Hospital Lamberts Rd, Swansea SA1 8FD

HMT Sancta Maria Hospital
Medbelle Surgeons in Swansea


What do normal labia look like?
Do I need a GP referral for labiaplasty surgery?
Will the NHS pay for my labiaplasty surgery?
What are the effects of smoking, drugs and alcohol on a labiaplasty?

News & articles


Learn more about Labiaplasty Surgery

Labiaplasty surgery can help resolve asymmetry, discomfort and restore confidence
