
Video Consultations Explained

What to expect from your video consultation with a Medbelle surgeon from the comfort of your own home

Video Consultations Explained

Written by Head of UK Relations, Mr. Simon Harby

Medical Review by Chief Commercial Officer, Dr. Lizzie Tuckey , MBBS, BA

Published: Monday 10 June 2024

If you’re not quite ready for a face to face consultation, a video consultation can be a great way to get the ball rolling at a pace that’s manageable for you.

So, you may ask, what exactly is a video consultation, and how does it work?

A video consultation is a private appointment between you, the patient, and your chosen surgeon, hosted on our Medbelle Virtual Consultation Platform. This is a confidential virtual space where you and your surgeon can discuss anything and everything about your chosen procedure. All you need is:

  1. A secure internet connection
  2. A private space where you can talk freely without interruptions

The only difference between a video and an in-person consultation is that you don’t have to travel to and from the surgeons’ clinic and can explore your options from the comfort of your own home! As always, different surgeons may choose to guide their consultations slightly differently, but talking points you can expect are:

Getting to know you: it is as important for the surgeon to get to know you as it is for you to get to know your surgeon.

Alignment of goals: all Medbelle surgeons want to understand what you’re hoping to achieve and be on the same page as you when it comes to your goals. They want to find out what makes you tick!

Is your chosen procedure the right fit for you? Once your surgeon understands your goals, they are the best person to advise if your chosen procedure is the right one to get you to where you want to be.

The ins and outs of your procedure: your surgeon can walk you through what happens during surgery, the different types of incisions used, how long you’ll be in theatre, different types of scarring, and whether you’ll be at the hospital during the day or for an overnight stay, and how much time you’ll need off work to recover.

Risks and complications: when deciding to have any type of surgical procedure, there are always risks and complications involved, and it’s important you are aware of them. Our surgeons will gently talk you through these and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

All these points are also covered in a face-to-face consultation - the only difference is that you’re at home.

Video consultations from a Medbelle patient perspective:

Practically speaking, video consultation is a time-saver. Dashing to an appointment during a week-day lunch hour is a recipe for stress - and we’ve all been there because we’ve had no other option! With all this extra time, you immediately have more wiggle room when booking the appointment. All you need is a 30-minute slot in your day where you have a good internet connection and a private space.

Personally speaking, a video consultation immediately eliminates a lot of the psychological barriers that make us nervous about going to these appointments. You can sit on your couch with a cuppa until your surgeon joins you. The familiar surroundings of your own living room can make you feel much more at ease and comfortable asking all your questions. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you take the first step in speaking with a professional to get the information you need to help you decide if this is the right procedure for you - a video consultation is a perfect place to start!

If you’re someone who is a little less technically savvy, just ask a friend or family member who’s a talented IT whizz to be on hand if you need a little assistance.

Video consultations from a Medbelle surgeon’s perspective:

Practically and personally, your Medbelle surgeon wants what’s best for you. Video consultations are a great way for surgeons to connect with their patients. The level of advice and information they can provide is exactly the same as in an in-person consultation. If the video consultations can save you time, chances are they will save the surgeons a little time too! The convenience, accessibility and ease for surgeons can make a difference in their capacity and planning, but the most important thing for Medbelle surgeons is your comfort. If you’re more comfortable at home, then they are more comfortable speaking to you when you’re at home!

Surgeons do require at least one face to face consultation before surgery for a physical examination for all procedures; however, this is an easy fix once you’ve found the surgeon that’s the best fit for you.

Book your consultation with one of our specialists
