Surgeon Background
Patrick Lusty

Patrick Lusty

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Medbelle Partner Surgeon


Hip & Knee Conditions and Procedures


MA (Cantab) FRCS (Tr & Orth) Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon

Patrick Lusty is a highly-experienced consultant orthopaedic surgeon specialising in hip and knee procedures. He trained in the UK and successfully completed a highly esteemed fellowship in Australia.


Patrick Lusty is an award-winning consultant orthopaedic surgeon specialising in hip and knee procedures. He has won the ‘iwantgreatcare’ certificate of excellence for 2019, 2021 and 2022 for his dedication to patients and for providing the highest quality care possible. Alongside his NHS work and private practice, he is also the clinical lead for the multidisciplinary team treating fracture neck femurs at Southend University Hospital. He has been widely published in medical textbooks and journals for his research and findings. Patients describe him as passionate, kind and professional.

  • 2008 - Present: Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Spire Wellesley hospital,
  • 2007 - Present: Substantive Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Southend Hospital NHS Trust
  • Clinical Lead, Southend University Hospital
  • Fellowship in hip and knee surgery Dr Walter Sydney Australia, 2006
  • Fellowship Royal College Surgeons (Orth) - Specialist Fellowship in Orthopaedics Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2005
  • Member of Royal College Surgeons Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1999
  • Medical School University of Cambridge Medical School, 1995
  • MA - Master of Arts University of Cambridge, 1993

Accepted Insurances

Patrick Lusty is working with most private medical insurers, please call to confirm coverage.


Spire Wellesley Hospital

Eastern Ave, SS2, Southend-on-Sea

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