Hip Osteotomy Surgery in London
Overnight stay
2 to 4 nights
Recovery time
6-12 months
Hip osteotomy, also called hip preservation surgery, is a type of orthopaedic surgery that realigns the bones of the hip joint with a view to improve mobility and ease hip pain. It can be used to treat symptoms of osteoarthritis and a range of other hip joint issues, such as hip dysplasia. It can also be used as a preventative measure against the requirement for more invasive surgery like a hip replacement.
A hip osteotomy may be performed under a general anaesthetic or a spinal anaesthetic with sedation. The surgeon will decide on the type of anaesthetic to use based on the complexities of the procedure and the patient's general health.
The surgery can take betwen 90 minutes and 3 hours to complete. Patients will usually be adviced to stay in the hospital for between two and four nights. It can take up to 12 months to fully recover from.
There are two common variations of this procedure. Explanations for these are given below.
Femoral Osteotomy
This type of hip osteotomy surgery focuses on correcting the hip joint ball at the top of the thigh bone called the femur.
- The top of the femur is cut to release the ball of the hip joint
- The ball is repositioned with temporary screws
- X-rays are used to help the surgeon decide if the new placement is correct
- When they are happy with the alignment, they secure it into the new position with a metal plate and screws
Periacetabular Osteotomy
This technique is most commonly used to treat hip dysplasia where the socket of the hip joint is too shallow to fit the ball of the joint.
- The bones of the pelvis are cut to release the acetabulum
- The socket is repositioned with temporary screws
- X-rays are used to check the alignment of the acetabulum with the femur
- When they are happy with the position, they secure the acetabulum into its new position with screws and metal plates
Your Patient Journey
The consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon is important to a patient's journey. A consultation can last anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour. It offers both the patient and the surgeon the opportunity to discuss all matters relating to the treatment, including:
- Medical history and overall health of the patient
- Expectations and realistic outcomes from surgery
- Recovery and aftercare information
The consultation will also include
- a physical examination
- imaging of the hip (if required)
Patients should listen to the surgone's pre-op and post-op instructions and follow all aftercare advice as closely as possible in order to maximise the results of the treatment.
It is also worth noting that the consultation allows the patient to have their voice heard and resolve any queries and questions they may still have about the surgery itself, about pre-op or post-op requirements and about aftercare. For this reason, it is worthwhile for patients to prepare some questions before hand to ensure they come away from the consultation fully informed about their next steps and what to expect throughout their journey.
The Consultation
Medbelle is here to make that journey simple, transparent and stress-free.
When you sign-up with Medbelle, you will be contacted by one of our Patient Care Advisers, they will be your personal guide through the process from beginning to end. They will take care of all the appointment scheduling, keep you updated at every turn and support you with anything you need.
The first step is a call with one of our Patient Care Advisers. This is an opportunity for you to explain why you would like or why you need Hip Osteotomy Surgery. You will hear more specific information about our prices in London and also learn about our London locations and surgeons. It also allows your Patient Care Adviser to determine whether you are indeed eligible for surgery.
During this call, you will have the opportunity to book a consultation with the surgeon who is the best match for you. The surgeon consultation costs £245. Your Patient Care Adviser will check in with you in the lead up to your consultation to ensure that you are prepared. You will also receive pre-consultation leaflets with useful information about what to expect moving forward.
Your Patient Care Adviser will check in with you post-consultation to see how it went. The treatment date and final price will be offered shortly after this by your Patient Care Adviser.
Hip Osteotomy Treatment Guide
Learn everything about hip osteotomy surgery in our extensive treatment guide; including the benefits of surgery, surgical techniques, risks and complications, and information on aftercare and recovery. Trust Medbelle to provide medically backed information reviewed by world-class surgeons.
Medbelle Clinics in London
Medbelle's commitment to care and excellence is exemplified by the surgeons and staff at Medbelle Orthopaedics, Kingston-Upon-Thames, which operates out of New Victoria Hospital. The clinic has served West London for over six decades and is one of the highest-rated private hospitals in the country. New Victoria offers unmatched efficiency and flexibility with a wide range of multi-speciality surgery.
Find out more:
Hip Osteotomy specialists in London
Are there any alternative treatments to hip osteotomy?
Alternative treatments for people with hip dysplasia include hip resurfacing (where metal ‘caps’ are used to recover the hip bones) and a total hip replacement (where the whole joint is replaced). Your surgeon will be able to discuss the potential alternatives with you at your consultation so you can make a decision that is best for you.
When can I begin exercising normally again after my hip osteotomy?
The recovery process varies from person to person. Generally, the timeline for exercise can be longer for an osteotomy when compared to other procedures such as hip resurfacing or hip arthroscopy.
Lower-impact activities like riding a static bike may be resumed after 10 or 12 weeks.
For high-impact exercises (such as jogging), you will need to build up to these very gradually to ease your hip joint into the new movement and prevent any injury or damage. You should be able to fully resume high-impact activities at around 5 months. However, be aware this may take longer depending on how you heal.
While returning to your usual exercise routine is a focus, your surgeon or physiotherapist may advise you to avoid certain activities altogether depending on the condition of your hip. It may take at least 6 months for you to return to some impact sports. The advice for returning to sexual activity varies, so make sure you ask your surgeon about this.
Will I need physiotherapy after hip osteotomy?
Anyone having a hip osteotomy will be given a tailor-made physiotherapy program. It is most important you follow this guidance. These exercises and instructions help ensure the lasting effect of your procedure and the future health of your hip.
Your physiotherapy will begin when you are in hospital then you will be given follow up appointments to attend as well as work to do when you are home. As your recovery progresses, you will require fewer physiotherapy and aftercare appointments. Many patients begin tapering off physiotherapy after about 2 or 3 months.
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All of the information found on our website is sourced from highly reputable experts, government-approved authorities and is widely used by healthcare professionals.
- https://www.medbelle.com/hip-surgery/hip-osteotomy/ Medbelle
- https://www.roh.nhs.uk/ NHS
- https://hipdysplasia.org/ International Hip Dysplasia Institute
- Uptodate.com Up to Date
Our content is written by our Medical Quality Managers and Patient Care Advisers, all of who have medical backgrounds and training. In addition, before publishing, all the information is reviewed by a surgeon specialised within the relevant field.