Mummy Makeover Surgery Cost and Procedure Information
Written by Patient Care Team Lead, Jonathan , BN (Hons)
Medical Review by Chief Commercial Officer, Dr. Lizzie Tuckey , MBBS, BA
"Mummy Makeover" surgery is a name given to a variety of cosmetic surgeries that can be done to tighten, firm, and rejuvenate parts of the body that change as a result of pregnancy and childbirth. A tummy tuck, breast augmentation/uplift, liposuction, arm, buttock or thigh lift are all popular elements of a mummy makeover, but the results are customisable to the patient's wants and needs.
Procedure time
Depends on treatments selected
Overnight stay
Depends on treatments selected
General or local with sedation
Recovery time
6-12 months
Please note that we do not offer cosmetic surgery services. The information provided on this page is intended as a general guide for patients. For personalised advice and treatment options, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional.
A mummy makeover describes a combination of breast and body surgeries. They aim to help create a body shape that the patient will be happy with. This mix of surgeries can include:
- Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck)
- Breast uplift
- Liposuction
- Breast enlargement
- Breast reduction
- Arm lift
- Thigh lift
- Buttock augmentation
- Labiaplasty
Surgeons can perform many of these procedures in one go. This can help achieve faster results over a shorter recovery time than if patients were to have each procedure at a separate time. If patients are considering a mummy makeover, they can take time to decide which mix of surgeries interests them. Then, when you meet the BAAPS/BAPRAS surgeon, they will discuss how many they can perform at one time.
Mummy Makeover Surgery Cost
A mummy makeover generally costs between £10,000 and £15,000. There is no set price for a mummy makeover because each procedure combines various surgeries tailored to a patient’s individual wants and needs. A consultation is an opportunity for the patient to state what exactly they want to achieve from a mummy makeover and for the surgeon to state their recommendations. A fixed cost will be worked out following a consultation, and that price will reflect the decisions reached between patient and surgeon. Prices may differ based on:
- The combination of surgeries selected for an individual’s procedure
- Surgeon experience
- Anaesthetist experience
- Surgical techniques
- Time require in surgery
However, patients can be sure that once the final offer is made, the price will not include any hidden costs. It will cover:
- Surgeon and anaesthetist costs
- Hospital costs
- Overnight stays (if required)
- Aftercare and follow-up appointments
What can a mummy makeover achieve?
Overall, a mummy makeover aims to achieve a more visually pleasing body shape. Patients may be finding it hard to lose excess ‘baby weight’ and the extra skin that came with having a baby. In addition, the breasts may also have changed in a way patients are not happy with. This procedure aims to reverse the changes having a baby has had on the body by:
- Removing excess tummy skin and fat
- Tightening the tummy wall muscles
- Improving the appearance of unwanted scars or stretch marks
- Recreating a more desirable breast appearance
- Reducing or restoring breast volume
- Removing excess fat and skin from the arms and thighs
- Enhancing the volume and shape of the bottom
- Rejuvenating the appearance and tone of the mons pubis
Who are the best candidates for a mummy makeover?
Any patient who is unhappy with their body after having children/ drastic weight loss may be a suitable mummy makeover candidate.
Pregnancy comes with a range of normal changes to the body. A mummy makeover aims to counteract these changes to create a more aesthetically pleasing body shape and contour after childbearing.
Suitable mummy makeover candidates include anyone who:
- Feels unhappy with their body after having children
- Do not plan to have more children
- Have tried diet and exercise to remove excess fat with little or no success
- Have a healthy BMI
- Do not plan to lose a significant amount of weight after their surgery
- May have excess skin they are unhappy with
- Would like to improve the appearance of unwanted stretch marks or scars
- Would like to improve the appearance of their post-pregnancy breasts
- Are relatively fit and healthy
- Have no serious health conditions
- Have realistic goals for the procedure
- Are emotionally ready for surgery
Why have a mummy makeover?
Parents everywhere should be proud of what their bodies have accomplished by bringing life into the world. However, the truth is that the changes childbirth can make to the body can sometimes leave the patient feeling anything but proud. On the contrary, patients may even feel embarrassed or self-conscious of their bodies. The mummy makeover aims to give back pre-pregnancy body confidence.
The Procedure
How is a mummy makeover performed?
Mummy makeover surgery is incredibly versatile as a range of different surgeries can be combined depending on the wants and needs of the patient.
Mummy makeover candidates will decide which areas of their body they would like to improve, and their BAAPS/BAPRAS surgeon will subsequently suggest the appropriate surgeries to do this. A mummy makeover procedure can involve surgery on the tummy, breast, arms, thighs, buttocks and vagina. Each mummy makeover is tailored to suit each individual patient. Consequently, each patient will choose to have a different mix of surgeries.
Depending on what surgeries the patient decides to have, the surgeon may be able to perform all the surgeries in one sitting. However, this may not always be possible, and so the patients may have to return more than once to complete the mummy makeover. Furthermore, the time it takes to perform the surgeries and the amount of time that patients will need to stay in the hospital after will depend on which surgeries they choose to have.
When patients have chosen their surgeon, they will meet them for a consultation. They will discuss the procedure, and patients will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Before the mummy makeover surgery, patients will need to sign a consent form. This may be at the pre-operative consultation or on the day of surgery. It's advised that patients read the form carefully and fully understand the procedure, risks, and complications and ask any questions they may have before signing the document. After consenting to the procedure, the surgeon will examine the body and will draw some lines on the treatment areas.
Patients will meet the anaesthetist on the day of surgery and will then be taken to the operating theatre. They will either use a general anaesthetic or give a local anaesthetic with IV (intravenous sedation). Patients will know before surgery which one they will be given.
Incisions & procedures
The surgeon can perform a variety of surgeries as part of the mummy makeover and so the position and size of the incisions will vary for each. The surgeon will walk the patient through the exact procedures included in the mummy makeover well before the day of the surgery. The most common procedures combined for mummy makeovers involve lifting and rejuvenating the breasts and stomach. As an example, find diagrams for the surgical procedures of breast reduction and tummy tuck below:
Breast Reduction
Closing of incisions
After the surgeon completes the procedures included in the mummy makeover, they will close those incisions using sutures. These sutures may or may not be dissolvable.
Returning to the ward
Finally, the surgical staff will take the patient back to the ward when the surgery is over. Patients will likely need to stay there for at least one night. Patients may feel drowsy as the anaesthetic wears off, but this usually only takes a few hours. It is vital that patients follow the surgeon’s specific aftercare advice as this will help during recovery.
The Consultation
What to expect from the mummy makeover consultation?
Firstly, patients will meet the BAAPS/BAPRAS surgeon during their free mummy makeover consultation. This meeting usually lasts anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. During this time, the surgeon will discuss the procedures the patient has chosen, the personal goals for the surgery and the risks involved. They may examine the treatment areas and ask for permission to take some before and after pictures. The surgeon will also be hoping to find out more information about the patient and may ask questions about:
- Current medical health status
- Any medical conditions
- Past surgical history
- Medications
- Alcohol consumption
- Smoking/vaping status
- Use of recreational drugs
- Any allergies
- Goals for this procedure.
Questions to ask during the mummy makeover consultation
The mummy makeover consultation is the main opportunity patients will have to ask any questions about the procedure. Fully educating themselves on the procedure is a vital thing to do and means that patients can set realistic goals for surgery. It is advised that patients take some time before they meet with the surgeon to think about what they would like to ask. Some patients find it useful to write these questions down on a piece of paper as they are less likely to forget to ask them during their consultation. Below is a list of questions patients may like to ask; however, this list is not exhaustive so patients may like to add their own.
- Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
- How can I get the best results?
- Do you think my goals are realistic?
- If I choose to have X,Y, Z procedures done, how many surgeries will this require?
- How long will my recovery be?
- Do you have any before and after pictures of mummy makeovers you have done previously?
- What are my options if I am unhappy with my results?
Risks and Complications
What are the main mummy makeover risks and complications?
The mummy makeover, like any surgical procedure, comes with certain risks and complications. All patients need to be aware of all the possible mummy makeover risks and complications. Patients should take the time to educate themselves on what these are before they have surgery. Surgeons strongly advise that patients take a two-week ‘cooling-off period between the consultation and agreeing to have the procedure. This will give patients time to make a fully informed decision.
Patients should also consider that having one surgical procedure done at the same time can increase the risk of complications occurring. While the risks for each procedure in the mummy makeover will vary, the list includes those which can apply to all the procedures.
The risks that are common to all of these procedures include the following:
All surgeries introduce the risk of infection to your body. Nevertheless, the surgeon and their team will take every precaution possible to reduce this risk. If patients do get an infection, it will become apparent in the first two to three weeks after surgery. Patients will notice that they are not recovering as well as expected. Often, when infections do occur after surgery, they are mild. They are generally wound infections or as a result of a delay in wound healing. Consequently, these sorts of infections usually resolve with a course of antibiotics. On the rare occasion that the infection becomes more serious, patients may have to have another operation.
As patients will have incisions made to the skin, they should expect to see some bleeding after the operation. This usually tends to be quite minor; however, the bleeding can be more severe in some cases. Severe bleeding tends to develop directly after the operation but can sometimes happen a little later on. In cases of severe bleeding, patients should seek medical attention straight away.
General surgical complications
All surgical procedures carry some common risks. These include (but are not limited to):
- The formation of blood clots
- Nausea and vomiting
- Blood loss
- Infection
- Reactions to the anaesthesia
- Post-operative pain
The surgeon will make patients aware of all the possible risks before they have the surgery. They will make every effort to prevent the occurrence of any complications. It is also important to follow the surgeon’s pre and postoperative guidance to further reduce the risk of these complications.
All of the mummy makeover procedures will involve the surgeon making incisions on the body. This means that, unfortunately, patients cannot avoid scarring. While the surgeon can hide some of your scars well, others may be more visible. The surgeon will advise on how best to look after the scars. Generally, with time, their appearance will fade.
Sometimes a pocket of fluid can develop after your procedure. This is known as a seroma and is quite a minor complication. The collection of fluid tends to be small and can resolve on its own. If patients develop a larger collection of fluid, the surgeon may need to drain it.
The blood supply to your skin, tissue and fat may be disrupted during the surgical procedures. If this disruption is large enough, it can result in some parts of the body losing their blood supply. If this happens, the affected area may die. The medical term for this is ‘necrosis’ and is quite a rare complication. The risk of necrosis developing is, however, increased if the patient is a smoker.
There is always a risk that patients may be unhappy with the results of their mummy makeover. For example, they may not be happy with how the final results look. To avoid this, it is advised that patients choose their surgeon carefully. Patients should make sure that they are a member of either BAAPS or BAPRAS and that they fully understand personal goals and expectations. It is crucial that patients choose a high-skilled fully qualified, and experienced surgeon to perform the surgery.
How to prepare for a mummy makeover?
Recovering from a mummy makeover can be quite difficult as patients will have had more than one procedure performed in one go. Therefore, patients want to be able to relax as much as possible after the surgery. The mummy makeover preparation involves making sure that patients prepare and organise what they can before going into the hospital.
Patients may like to get some jobs out of the way before the surgery. For example, taking out the bins and getting on top of the washing will mean patients will have a few days of recovery time without having to worry about these tasks.
It is likely that patients will not feel well enough to go to the shops for a while after having the mummy makeover. Therefore, patients may like to do a big food shop the day before they go into hospital. In addition, getting yourself familiar with online shopping may be helpful for later on in recovery. Some patients like to prepare meals and freeze them before their surgery. This way, they don’t have to worry about cooking during their recovery.
Organising the house
After the surgeries, patients do not want to be stretching or bending unnecessarily. Patients may like to have a think of things they may need and place them somewhere that is easy to reach. For example, move any crockery or clothing that is normally stored up high or down low to somewhere that is easily accessible.
Children and pets
Patients may like to arrange for someone to help look after any children or pets that they may have. This will help reduce any unnecessary stress on the patient and their body during the recovery period.
Patients will not be able to drive after having their mummy makeover. Therefore, they will need to arrange for a member of the family or a friend to take them home from the hospital.
Patients may like to choose some loose, comfortable clothing to wear during recovery. Items of clothing that open at the front and have drawstrings can be very helpful. Patients may be given have some support garments or dressings to wear over the treatment areas. The BAAPS/BAPRAS surgeon will advise on how long to wear these and how they can be adjusted.
Eating & drinking
After surgery, it is advised that patients try to eat high-protein, low-sodium foods. These include fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also recommended that patients try to drink plenty of water and caffeine-free beverages. It is also important that patients try to avoid food and drink containing high amounts of salts and sugars during recovery time. Maintaining a healthy diet will help the body to recover quicker.
Depending on which procedures patients are having done, the surgeon will advise which position to sleep in. Patients may find it more comfortable to sleep propped up. Having extra pillows available just in case is a good idea. Sleeping propped up can sometimes help reduce the swelling around the surgical area, depending on its location.
What can I expect after a mummy makeover?
During the mummy makeover consultation, the surgeon will discuss the details of aftercare. They will be able to give a rough time frame about returning to work, resuming normal activity, exercise and driving.
After surgery, patients will be given a post-operative appointment to come back and see the surgeon. This usually takes place one to two weeks after surgery. The surgeon will review the healing progress and make sure the patient is recovering as expected. In addition, they will remove any undissolvable stitches and advise on the need for further dressings. Below is some general aftercare information for the mummy makeover. If patients would like specific aftercare about each procedure, they may like to use the links below.
Waking up after surgery
Patients will wake up gradually as the anaesthetic or sedation wears off. Patients may also feel drowsy for some time, but this often wears off within a few hours. Furthermore, patients may find that concentration and memory are not as sharp as normal. This is a side effect of the general anaesthetic and generally resolves within one to two days.
Getting home after surgery
Patients will not be able to drive home after the surgery. Therefore, they should arrange for someone to pick them up and drive them home. In addition, patients may like to ask someone to stay with them for the first 24 hours after the procedure.
The dressings will be different depending on which procedures the patient chooses to have done as part of their mummy makeover. The surgeon will advise patients on which dressings they will have and how long they will have to wear them.
Work and exercise
As each procedure in the mummy makeover is different, the recovery times for each varies too. Generally speaking, the amount of time patients will need to take off work will depend on the type of work they do. If patients have an office job, they will usually be able to return to work more quickly than if they have a job with higher levels of activity. Similarly, patients will be able to return to low impact activities like walking and cycling before they are able to reintroduce lifting heavy weights and doing intense aerobic activities. For more specific information, use the links above for each procedure.
Final results
The answer to this question will vary from patient to patient. It will depend on which procedure the patient chooses to have done and whether or not they can be done in one sitting. The surgeon will be able to give more specific information during the mummy makeover consultation.
The surgeon will give very specific advice on the mummy makeover aftercare. It is vital that patients follow this advice to ensure that the recovery goes as well as possible.
Are the Results of My Mummy Makeover Permanent?
As we get older our bodies continue to change and our skin loses its elasticity. The results of your mummy makeover will last many years but are not permanent. This is especially the case if you have any further pregnancies. This is why we advise that you only consider this procedure when you no longer wish to child-bear.
Many of the mummy makeover procedure results can also be affected by excessive weight loss or gain. For example, dramatic weight loss or weight gain can adversely affect the results of a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast reduction or enlargement and buttock augmentation. Therefore, we recommend that you try to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle in order to maintain your results for as long as possible.
Do I Need a GP Referral for a Mummy Makeover?
Your surgeon can see you for an initial consultation without a referral from your GP. If you decide to have the mummy makeover surgery, they may then have to contact your GP. The purpose of this will be to get an accurate update of your medical records.
There may be some medical conditions may require a GP sign off prior to surgery, but your Patient Care Adviser will let you know if this applies to you.
What Effect Can Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol Have on My Mummy Makeover?
Certain lifestyle factors can increase the risk of complications during and after a mummy makeover. These include smoking, drinking alcohol, being overweight and taking drugs (for medical or recreational use.)
Smoking can increase the time it takes your wounds to heal, and therefore make you more likely to develop an infection. Therefore patients must stop smoking and using all nicotine products at least six weeks before surgery. In addition, if you can cut down on your alcohol intake prior to your surgery, this is also helpful and do refrain from taking recreational drugs. Your doctor will discuss your current BMI and drug use at your consultation and advise you further on this.
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All of the information found on our website is sourced from highly reputable experts, government-approved authorities and is widely used by healthcare professionals.
- https://baaps.org.uk/patients/procedures/5/breast_uplift_mastopexy British Association Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
- https://www.bapras.org.uk/public/patient-information/surgery-guides/breast-enlargement/other-information British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
- Understand.com Understand
- https://www.americanboardcosmeticsurgery.org/procedure-learning-center/breast/breast-lift-guide/ American Board of Cosmetic Surgery
- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cosmetic-procedures/tummy-tuck/ NHS
- https://baaps.org.uk/patients/procedures/3/tummy_tuck_abdominoplasty British Association Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
- https://www.bapras.org.uk/public/patient-information/surgery-guides/abdominoplasty British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
Our content is written by our Medical Quality Managers and Patient Care Advisers, all of who have medical backgrounds and training. Prior to publishing, all the information is reviewed by a surgeon specialised within the relevant field.
Discover more about mummy makeover surgery
Mummy makeover surgery is a varying combination surgery to the breasts, tummy and various areas of the body